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Server Installation

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Do you need a server?

Your server should meet the needs of your business – not only now, but also in the future. So whether you’re upgrading or migrating to a new server, or require help and support with an existing machine, we guarantee we’ll make your entire IT network more secure, flexible and faster. And if you’re not sure about your best option our technicians offer free and independent advice to businesses seeking server installation services. Once you’ve got a server you can do a lot more, for example:
Share devices – link up printers, scanners and other peripherals, this is much more cost-effective than having multiple devices linked to a single computer.
Improved Collaboration – The server can act as a centralised hub for storing and sharing files. This allows multiple users to access files and makes changes to a single copy. This can also help reduce version control issues that arise from managing multiple versions of the same file.
Remote Access – Servers support remote access which enables employees, partners, and customers, to access data on the server from outside the office.
Centralised Access Controls – Servers can be configured to control access to the server’s data and other resources on a per-user basis. This ensures that only those with the proper permissions can access specific data and applications.
And much more.

Getting the right server Installing a new server within your business is a big investment; therefore, you want to ensure that you will get the most from your system over a long-term period. Every server installation solution is carefully planned to meet your needs, timescales and budget, and we have extensive experience across a number of hardware and software platforms.
Our installation service also includes the wiring and setting up of your telecommunications system. We will speak with your service provider on your behalf to ensure your email and internet connection is running smoothly and as expected.

Benefits With Our Service


Flexible Solutions

Completely grow multimedia based content before global scenarios.


24/7 Unlimited Support

Completely grow multimedia based content before global scenarios.